
In order for work with accessibilty to be cost-effective and sustainable, expertise in accessibility must be grounded internally. Our courses raise your employees' ability to identify accessibility issues and improve the accessibility in your digital solutions. Our aim is for your employees to build up knowledge and insight into the subject so that the need for external support is reduced. 

Our course packages

Inklud's courses are mainly avalible as full day courses. Purchase of multiple courses entitles you to reduced prices. We offer the following course packages:

  • Small course package, 1 full day course
  • Intermediate course package, 2 full-day courses
  • Large course pack, 3 full day courses
  • Full course package, 4 full day courses

You choose which course suits your employees. We always recommend the introductory course to accessibility of ICT as this is a good foundation to build on. All our courses will be customized to your employees' level of knowledge and uses examples from the customer's own solutions during. The courses can be held in both English and Norwegian. Below you will find a full list of courses including offers with subsections for overall themes:

  • Introduction to accesbility and universal design (all)
    • What is universal design and what is accessibility?
    • Laws and regulations
    • Different forms of functional impairments
      • Design for a wide range of users
        • What is relevant to your role?
    • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 & 2.1
      • Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
      • Examples with HTML and CSS
    • Accessible documents
  • Testing with assistive technologies, testing tools and automated testing (developers, designers, testers, etc.)
    • How to code accessible solutions?
    • Screen reader testing on mobile and desktop.
      • The screen reader matrix
    • Different forms of functional impairment
      • Simulation tools
    • Different types of automated tests
    • Insight into accuracy and degree of coverage
    • Review of various testing tools
    • Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
  • WAI-ARIA & Single Page Applications (developers and testers)
    • Semantics and the HTML standard
    • WCAG
    • Dynamic changes and SPA's
      • Focus handling
      • Robust communication
    • Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)
    • Development in modern frameworks
  • Universal design and accessibility of apps (app developers, designers)
    • Different devices and context in apps
    • Legal requirements for apps
      • Which success criteria are relevant for apps
    • Semantic elements in apps
    • Accessibility tools on mobile devices
    • Typical challenges and solutions

Our courses always focus on the customer's domain and use examples taken from the customer's own solutions. Our courses are open to questions and contain several different exercises that the participants must take part in. Our courses are 7.5 hours with breaks. This is so that we can make sure that the participants have such a good starting point to absorb the course's content. Recommendations for home exercises will also be provided.

Contact us to learn more

If you want one of our course packages or have questions regarding pricing, methodoligy or anything else, please do contact us at